1. Create your own database on provided server. Name it DB_yourname. postgres=# create user db_rahul with password 'abcd'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# create database db_rahul with owner db_rahul; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# 2. Create table, where you have 3 columns: 'ID', 'Name', 'Organization', 'department' Fill in this table with data - create 3 records. postgres=# \c db_rahul You are now connected to database "db_rahul" as user "postgres". db_rahul=# create table customer ( id int not null, db_rahul(# name text not null, db_rahul(# organization text not null, db_rahul(# department text not null ); CREATE TABLE db_rahul=# insert into customer (id,name,organization,department) values (1,'rahul','datacom','Cloud'); INSERT 0 1 db_rahul=# insert into customer (id,name,organization,department) values (2,'vishnu','datacom','Cloud'); INSERT 0 1...